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According to the American Bar Association, over 24,000 lawyers practice in Virginia, and over 56,000 in D.C. With tens of thousands of options, how can anyone narrow the field to choose the top lawyers in the area? That’s precisely what Northern Virginia Magazine strives to do each year, and we’re proud to say that our firm has been chosen for the annual Top Lawyers List for the fifth year in a row.

This list is compiled each year to provide readers with information to help them find a reliable attorney in a time of need. To create the list, Northern Virginia Magazine sends surveys to lawyers in Northern Virginia and D.C., asking for nominations. The idea is that these lawyers will recommend other lawyers they’d trust to represent their friends or family members. The lawyers with the most nominations are listed in the magazine. To be nominated by colleagues is especially meaningful, and our fifth nomination in a row humbles us.

The win went to Kevin Paul Childers, who has been representing injured people and those who’ve lost loved ones in accidents for over 25 years. By specializing in that area, he can give his clients the benefit of his unique depth of knowledge. Known for aggressively representing the interest of every client who has been injured, he represents clients throughout Northern Virginia, including Fairfax County, Loudoun County, Prince William County, and the City of Alexandria. He’s honed his expertise in trying hundreds of cases over the years.

In his class at the Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C., where he graduated in the top ten percent of his class, Kevin Childers was an editor of the law review and a senior member of the National Moot Court Board. After graduation, he wanted to give back to his community, so he went to work at the Alexandria office of the Public Defender, where he represented thousands of Northern Virginia’s indigent and poor. He’s also the founder of the Catholic Business Network of Northern Virginia, a non-profit that provides legal services and medical treatment for the poor and homeless. Today, the organization has Chapters in Prince William, Fairfax, Loudoun, and Alexandria.

Since 1990, the Law Firm of Kevin Paul Childers has been committed to providing clients with critical legal guidance. We pay close attention to each case, giving one-on-one treatment to each of our clients because every case is unique. Our lawyers are among the best in Virginia, and we’ll put our more than 100 years of collective experience to work for you. We work hard to achieve the best possible results for every client we represent, so contact us for a free case analysis or call (703) 636-2182 today.